Board of Directors
There are seven members of the OCA Board of Directors – each elected for a two-year term. The terms of office are staggered to provide continuity from one Board to the next.
Regular open sessions of the Board are normally held in the auditorium at 9:30 a.m. on the last Wednesday of most months with some variances due to holidays, etc.
An agenda for each open session is posted outside the clubhouse, outside the office, in the weekly emails, and on the website prior to each meeting. Homeowners have the opportunity to address the Board during the open forum at the beginning of each meeting.
The Board of Directors meets again in a closed Executive Session, at which time they discuss matters relating to member discipline, contracts, legal issues, personnel issues, and correspondence. A summary of actions taken during the Executive Session is presented at the next open session.
Each week in the weekly email, there is a section dedicated to activities, information, etc. that is specific to the Board.
The Board of Directors also sponsors a Fireside Chat normally on the third Wednesday of each month with one of our directors, in the Library. While the directors cannot make any decisions, it is a great way to have personal interaction and share concerns you might have with the board. The results of these meetings are reviewed by the entire board and often things are brought before the entire board to improve our community.
Each month in the Hilltop Highlights there is a column from the President and then one of the directors writes the News You Can Use section that highlights things the Board has done to improve our community.
We hope you’ll share your experience with us by considering running for the Board of Directors. An important first step towards that objective would be to get involved with one of our committees (please make it a link to committee page under things to do) There’s no better way to get to know how this community operates.
Each year there are either three or four vacancies up for election on the board. Annual elections are held on the third Saturday in March. Immediately following the election, the members of the Board elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All owner-residents are invited to seek nomination to the Board of Directors. The nominating process begins in November, at which time a Nominating Committee will be available to answer questions and schedule the remaining activities such as the Candidate Forums.
meeting. Homeowners have the opportunity to address the Board during the open forum at the beginning of each meeting.
To reach all board members:
OCA BOD Committee Liaisons
Activities & Garden Club – Lynn Leszczynski
Architecture – Kathleen Dowling and Lisa Bagot
Compliance Committee: Teresa Chamberlain-Spradlin, Roxanne Remmel & Evelyn Thomas
Facilities – Curt Conant, Lynn Leszczynski
Finance – Lisa Bagot, Lynn Leszczynski
Landscape – Curt Conant and Teresa Chamberlain-Spradlin
The CRC -Teresa Chamberlain-Spradlin
The HUB – Kathleen Dowling
Unit Advisors – Evelyn Thomas