Architectural Committee


The purpose of the Architectural Committee is to apply the Community Guidelines to maintain and repair the exterior of homes and infrastructure throughout Oceana.   Resident members meet monthly to review proposals for making additions or changes to the exteriors of our homes.

Homeowner proposals and other agenda items must be turned in to the OCA office by the 1st calendar day of the month.  The Architectural Committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Clubhouse Community Room. Tracy Richardson will let homeowners know the committee decisions within the following week.

Compliance Design Review Coordinator

Tracy Richardson

Current Committee Members

Fritz Beechler, Units 3, 12
Barb Belcher, Unit 8
Michael Castoro, Unit 1, 1A, 4
Jay Crawford, Unit 5
Charles Daily, Unit 14
Steve Erbe, Units 10, 11
Paula McDonald Untis 2, 6, 9

Board Liaisons

Kathleen Dowling & Roxanne Remmel