Cards and Other Games


Dominos Group meets Tuesdays 12:30pm in the Card Room. Info: Dona White at (760) 533-2484.

Hand & Foot meets every Friday at 12:00 pm in the Clubhouse Card Room. Call Joan Jeffery at 760-637-2384 for more info.

Mah Jong meets 2nd & 4th Mondays 1pm-4pm at The Clubhouse Community Room. Information call Diana Siegel at 760-405-3306. 

Pinochle Monday at 1:00 pm Card Room. Double or triple deck, 3, 4, 5, and 6 seat tables. We play for fun! Info: Joyce Paxon 760-859-6728.

Poker is played on Tuesday nights at 6-8 pm. Contact Glenn Groth at 760-754-9646 for information.

Social Bridge meets Fridays in the Clubhouse Card Room at 9:00 am.

Trivia meets Mondays from 6:30pm – 8pm in the Clubhouse Card Room or on the patio, depending on weather. Info: Colleen Eidson 760-529-9999