Activities Committee


The Clubhouse Activities Committee sponsors year-round activities in the Clubhouse complex, including the Thursday morning coffee hour, monthly dances and movies, and holiday parties.

The Activities Committee is also the umbrella organization for the many Oceana clubs, hobby groups and exercise groups. In addition, it oversees the Share & Wear boutique, whose proceeds benefit numerous events for residents.

We welcome volunteers to help us out during any event (set-up, food server, clean-up), and to work at Share and Wear.

We also welcome new ideas for health-related and social activities.

Contact: Ellen Marciel – click to email.

Read the Activities Committee Charter

The Activities Committee normally meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 10AM in the Clubhouse Card Room. Agenda items for the next meeting must be received ten days prior to the meeting.

Committee Members

Ellen Marciel, Chair
Charlie Wendt, Treasurer
Teri Battaglia, Share & Wear Manager
Tracy Creason
Mary Anne Dilloway
Pat Hawkins
Carolyn Kruse
Chuck Kruse
Ed Leavell
Karin Messaros
Gail Olenick
Lisa Olivero
Donna Wendt

Board Liaisons

Lynn Leszczynski